10 questions to know me better :3

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Well hello in my new blog:D I hope after you read it, you'll know something more about me:3 

1. Are you afraid of walking alone at night?
In the really big and dark city with noone else around me, yes it's a bit scarry. 

2. What do you do to relax at the end of a stressful day?
I take my bearded dragons, and hug them, watch Tv, watch YouTube (I want to own one someday), listen to music, talk to my friends, read blogs, edict my blog..:)

3. Have you ever met someone who has completely altered your way of thinking?

No. I think my personality and my way of thinking is to strong for something like that.:)  

4. What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately?

Blog. I really wanted one but I didn't know how to start it:)

5. Do you usually initiate hugs?

Yes, I really like to hug people because I am really sociable persone and I think friends deserves a hug not just hi.

6. Are you a very affectionate person?

I actually am. I love everything and everyone:) Like they say you must see positive things in everything and everyone :3

7. Do you have any tattoos?

No, I don't :)

8. Are you mentally and 
physically strong?
Well I hope, but sometimes I am and sometimes I'm not. I'm really just a normal human:)

9. Do you think you’re a good person?

I actually think I am:3 I help everyone and I'm trying my best to be:) 

10. Name one thing you wish you could change about your life right now.

School. If I could think about choosing school again I would defenetly change it (and I will next year).

Thanks for reading, if you have any questions ask me in the comments:D


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